The total budget for this 2025 mobility call is €126,000. Project budgets must range from €2,500 to €9,500, for mobility durations of 1 to 4 months.
The budget should be structured in such a way as to:
- Comply with the financial regulations of the French National Research Agency (ANR) for PEPR (eligible expenses);
- Comply with the financial rules of the managing institution in setting up and carrying out the mission (“travel policy”), through the support of the relevant administrative departments within the institution for the construction and validation of the requested budget;
- Minimize the carbon footprint of the project (e.g., prioritizing train travel over air travel whenever possible).
Scope of the financial assistance :
- The grant requested will cover travel and accommodation expenses, and, depending on the policies in force at the managing institution, possibly cover other costs related to hosting (e.g. Campus France expenses) or departure on assignment (e.g. hardship allowances).
- Any operating costs incurred in carrying out the assignment (e.g., experiments, fieldwork, conference or summer school registration) will not be covered by PEPR FORESTT mobility grants. Such expenses must be financed through other means.
Payment of grant:
- If the managing institution is a partner in the PEPR FORESTT governance project (INRAE, Cirad, CNRS, AgroParisTech, IRD, IGN, UM, UL, ONF, CNPF), it will have to advance the mission expenses, which will be reimbursed in real terms in year N+1 as part of the modulation of credits paid to partner institutions; except in the following two cases, where the mission will be taken in charge directly (before departure on mission; subject to approval by the DSO):
- Outgoing mobility projects managed by the CNRS;
- Incoming mobility projects managed by CIRAD.
- Otherwise (if the managing institution is not a partner in the PEPR FORESTT governance project), the grant will be paid prior to the mission, on presentation of an invoice from the managing institution, after receipt of the decision to award a mobility grant and, when applicable, a favorable opinion from the DSO.